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BG-AK Battlegrip

Years ago, TangoDown was contracted to design a next-gen AK grip for a now-defunct company. After numerous requests from AK enthusiasts to re-release the design and after rediscovering the original tooling, TangoDown has made its BG-AK grip available to the AK aftermarket once again. Featuring a comfortable, ergonomic shape that helps mitigate the infamous trigger guard “finger bite” or the focused recoil discomfort from your stock AK grip, the BG-AK Battlegrip also features a weather-resistant urethane storage cover that helps turn the grip itself into a storage compartment for small items like batteries or other mission-critical spares. All necessary mounting hardware is included. Also available as a simplified version (BG-AKOE) that ships sans storage cover for those who have no want or need for the storage compartment.

MSRP: $26

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