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Celebrate World Beard Day 2013

Guns and Tactics would like to take a moment to wish our tactical bearded brothers at home and abroad a very beardy World Beard Day!

Each first Saturday of September provides a moment for Beards around the world to celebrate and “is characterized by the happiness of all people being with their beards and with each other.” Celebrations have already begun in Sydney where this year’s official World Beard Day event was held today. Headlined by the “beard-related totalitarian rock band” The Beards, the concert was held at Manning Bar at the University of Sydney and was streamed online around the world with other Australian bands included in the line-up as well as other games and attractions.A particularly special part of this event for us was the broadcast of the TBOC World Beard Day Greeting Video, compiled by our bearded brothers over at the Tactical Beard Owners Club with contributions from various international chapters.

“The exact origins of World Beard Day are unknown, but there is some evidence to suggest that Danish Vikings had a special day dedicated to the glorification of beards as far back as 800 AD. The event was not held on a fixed date, and was often celebrated hundreds of times each year. This early incarnation of what would one day become World Beard Day typically involved the ransacking of neighbouring towns, villages and countries by large groups of heavily-armed bearded men.” – World Beard Day

If you’re not in the sandbox or on post and are looking for ways to celebrate this special day with your beard-loving ones, consider these suggestions from the World Beard Day website:

“It is customary for the bearded members of a family to relax and partake in no jobs or chores. The beardless members of the family traditionally show their support by waiting on the bearded hand and foot.”

“In the Swedish village of Dönskborg, anyone without a beard is banished from the town and forced to spend twenty-four hours in a nearby forest.”

“Organising and staging their own public or private World Beard Day celebrations. These can consist of anything from a relaxing family lunch to a lavish, tax payer-funded street parade.”

Be sure and check out our article on The Growth of the Tactical Beard, too!

To all my Beards out there: Stay safe and beard on!

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