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Guns & Tactics is an online media outlet that focuses on the firearms community, not just firearms and gear but also quality training, technical break downs and enlightening presentations.

Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition Range Day 2013

[dcs_img_center desc=”Photo by Joshua Haarbrink” framed=”no” w=”600″ h=”402″] [/dcs_img_center] [dcs_post_top] [dcs_fancy_header bgcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]The Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition and Tactical Tailor Present Range Day 2013 at The…

The Remington 700 A5 with Accuracy International and Vortex Optics

[dcs_img_center desc=”Photo by Jody Lewis” framed=”no” w=”600″ h=”399″] [/dcs_img_center] [dcs_post_top] [dcs_thinspliter size=”medium”] As photographed by Jody Lewis, this is a Remington 700 A5 in an Accuracy International…