TOP 10 FIREARM PHOTOGRAPHERS ON INSTAGRAM recently published an article listing the top ten firearms photographers based on their number of Instagram followers.

We have compiled what we believe are the top 10 Firearm Photographers on Instagram!

There are a ton of great firearm photographers on Instagram but in this post we are just focusing on what we believe are the top 10 based on the number of followers they have*. We will revisit the subject and focus on up and coming as well as the middle of the pack in subsequent posts.

Hopefully this and subsequent post like it will be a resource for our readers.

Do you think we missed someone? Sound off in the comments!

*Order is based off the number of followers when published

Congrats to our friends over at Triple Bravo, CQM Group, and Down Range Photography for making the list!


Close Quarters Media Group LLC

1,222 posts


750 following


Triple Bravo

3,491 posts


838 following


Down Range Photography

980 posts


744 following

* The views and opinions expressed on this web site are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Guns & Tactics Magazine,
the administrative staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.

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