
Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition Range Day 2013

[dcs_img_center desc=”Photo by Joshua Haarbrink” framed=”no” w=”600″ h=”402″] http://gunsandtactics.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/DSC_0035.jpg [/dcs_img_center] [dcs_post_top] [dcs_fancy_header bgcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]The Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition and Tactical Tailor Present Range Day 2013 at The…

The Remington 700 A5 with Accuracy International and Vortex Optics

[dcs_img_center desc=”Photo by Jody Lewis” framed=”no” w=”600″ h=”399″] http://gunsandtactics.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/r5-600-399.jpg [/dcs_img_center] [dcs_post_top] [dcs_thinspliter size=”medium”] As photographed by Jody Lewis, this is a Remington 700 A5 in an Accuracy International…