TOPS Knives—El Chete Mini
According to TOPS, when the original El Chete was released in 2017 it…
According to TOPS, when the original El Chete was released in 2017 it…
Peeking into someone else’s everyday carry (EDC) setup is like getting a backstage…
Mesa Tactical, designer and manufacturer of quality tactical accessories and equipment for law…
The V Exercise was created for those who would like a continuous moving-and-shooting exercise that…
The tripod is the essential tool to allow the precise delivery of fire from any…
The skill of firing accurate rounds into a threat from retention is an underappreciated and…
In honor of today’s 68th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, We wanted to share a video that was originally created by the U.S. Army in 1969 to relay the battle action of the landing at Normandy and the fierce combat that took place to overcome “Fortress Europe”.
June 6, 1944 marks the 68th anniversary of “Operation Overload” – the D-Day invasion where more than 160,000 allied troops landed on a 50-mile stretch of French Coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. The invasion led to the deaths of more than 9,000 allied forces, but the victory resulted in a significant turning point for Europe’s history. Today, we would like to honor the allied forces that participated in the invasion by sharing a film created by the U.S. Army in 1969. In this film, the drama and battle action of the landing at Normandy is portrayed along with the fierce combat that took place to overcome “Fortress Europe” (compliments of the National Archives).
Guns & Tactics is an online media outlet that focuses on the firearms community, not just firearms and gear but also quality training, technical break downs and enlightening presentations.
ZeroTech Optics is pleased to introduce our newest addition to the Vengeance family, the FFP precision rifle powerhouse 5-25x56mm riflescope!
Dave Timm wraps up Guns and Tactics time at Shot Show 2017.
TriggrCon 2017: Steve talks with Tony about the new LA Stock, how it works and some cool little features. Also be sure to check out Steve’s written review…
Tasmanian Tiger will be exhibiting at the IWA Outdoor Classic 2022 this March 3 – 6, 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany.
Dave talks with Patrick from Trijicon about the all new AccuPower scopes.
Blue Force Gear’s Marking And Recognition Chemstick Organization dispenser – MARCO – just got better with the introduction of MARCO Refill Kits.
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