First Photos: New Caracal Pistols

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[dcs_fancy_header bgcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]Caracal USA Posts New Photos of Model F and C Pistols, CC10 Carbine and CS308 Precision Rifle.[/dcs_fancy_header]

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The highly acclaimed and now largely unavailable Caracal pistol is making it’s way back to the USA. According to a recent Facebook post from Jeff Spalding, Manager at Caracal USA, “Please understand that Caracal International has every intention to support the US Market with quality pistols, rifles, and carbines in the near future. There are processes underway now that will allow us to do just that in a controlled, streamlined, and functional way.” He went on to say “In order to accomplish this, we are in the process of establishing a stand-alone Caracal USA operation, which will be dedicated to the United States Commercial Market.” So far there is no word on how soon new product will be available to consumers in the US market, but we’re waiting impatiently for any new announcements.

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Although the previous version of the Model F and C were recalled, the broad action was primarily based upon Caracal’s concern for safety. Caracal also stepped up with a full refund to anyone who returns their pistol for the recall, an option that we’ve never seen any other firearm manufacturer offer.

Don’t worry… that Caracal you love and cherish is not going to change too much before re-entering the US market. The new pistols are virtually identical to their predecessor, however the new model F and C incorporate a two pin trigger safety and enhanced slide guides. Look closely and you’ll see that the new pistols have 2 visible pins through the trigger shoe. The Model F will also maintain an integral rear sight with dove tailed front sight options. Caracal also plans to bring back the “quick Sight” option, too.

Guns & Tactics met with Caracal during the 2015 SHOT Show. We’re continually impressed with Caracal pistols, but also the CS308 and the CC10, too. You can see all the new Caracal photos on their Flickr page.

[dcs_img_center desc=”Caracal CC10 Carbine”
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[dcs_img_center desc=”Caracal CS308 Precision Rifle”
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Earlier this year Caracal International was acquired by Emirates Defence Industries Co. (EDIC) along with Caracal Light Ammunition. EDIC is being dubbed as the region’s premier integrated national defense services and manufacturing platform, providing world-class facilities, technology and support services.

To stay informed about Caracal and product availability, visit their website at or find them on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

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