Silynx Releases U94 Wireless PTT
Silynx’s SOF Micro U94 is the world’s first U94 chest PTT with weapon mounted Micro Wireless Push-to-Talk (WPTT).
Silynx Communications, Inc. (Silynx), a global leader in tactical communications systems, is proud to announce that the new SOF Micro U94 now is now in full production.
Silynx’s SOF Micro U94 is the world’s first U94 chest PTT with weapon mounted Micro Wireless Push-to-Talk (WPTT). The Micro U94 was specifically designed as a PTT upgrade for the ComTac headset and is interoperable with MBITR/JEM & AN/PRC152. For the first time ever, the Micro U94 allows you to Unleash Yourself from wired PTTs.
Interested parties should contact Silynx Communications at 1-866-572-6950 or visit
About Silynx Communications
Silynx Communications, Inc. is a world leader in software defined micro soldier systems with hearing protection/ enhancement capability. Designed by war fighters for war fighters, Thier products have been developed hand in hand with the Special Forces community and deployed in combat regions for the past five years. Thier innovative communication systems are in use and adopted by the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), USASOC, NSW, MARSOC, AFSOC, FBI SWAT and first tier NATO Special Forces.
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