US House Passes Concealed Carry on US Bases

The US House added an amendment to a congressional bill to arm military members on military installations.

US Representatives Michael McCaul (R-TX), John Carter (R-TX), and Scott Rigell (R-VA) wrote an amendment that would allow military commanders to authorize the concealed carry of firearms on US bases. The amendment was added to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which was passed on Friday, July 17th.

Congressman McCaul issued a statement regarding the amendment:

"Texas has twice mourned the loss of our soldiers and civilians after shootings at Fort Hood just north of my district. In 2009, Nidal Hassan walked into Fort Hood’s Soldier Readiness Center, shouted Allahu Akbar, and opened fire, killing 13 and wounding 42 others in the most horrific terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. Five years later, another shooter opened fire on the base, killing four and wounding 16 others . Enough is enough. We must give our base commanders more discretion and our soldiers more protection. Thousands of my constituents in Texas already exercise this right responsibly. It is time for our service members to be allowed to do the same."

The amendment calls for military commanders to consult with local and state leaders and to follow local law as applicable

(b) RELATION TO STATE AND LOCAL LAW.—In establishing the process under subsection (a) for a military installation, the commander of the installation shall consult with elected officials of the State and local jurisdictions in which the installation is located and take into consideration the law of the State and such jurisdictions regarding carrying a concealed personal firearm.

and defers to local jurisdictions for licensing requirements.

(c) MEMBER QUALIFICATIONS.—To be eligible to be authorized to carry a concealed personal firearm on a military installation pursuant to the process established under subsection (a), a member of the Armed Forces—

(1) must complete any training and certification required by any State in which the installation is located that would permit the member to carry concealed in that State;

(2) must not be subject to disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for any offense that could result in incarceration or separation from the Armed Forces;

(3) must not be prohibited from possessing a firearm because of conviction of a crime of domestic violence; and

(4) must meet such service-related qualification requirements for the use of firearms, as established by the Secretary of the military department concerned

The NDAA now heads to the Senate for voting and then to President Obama’s desk.

Let’s hope the Senate and President Obama feel as strongly as these three representatives did to help protect our military.

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