Washington State House Considering So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
Your NSSF® Government Relations team has received intel that the Washington State House will be bringing two egregious bills to the floor designed to erode Washingtonians’ Second Amendment rights and fundamentally alter the firearm industry in the Evergreen State. While the legislature hasn’t released the schedule to the general public, we can expect these bills to be heard as early as Saturday, March 4th or as late as Wednesday, March 8th in Olympia
HB 1240: If passed, this bill would ban the manufacture, sale, purchase and transfer of so-called “assault rifles.”
HB 1143: This bill would create an onerous permit-to-purchase requirement for all firearm sales in the state.
NSSF needs your help! Please contact your legislators and tell them to vote ‘No’ on HB 1240, HB 1143 and SB 5078! You can find your legislator by clicking here.
Earlier today we sent a separate alert about SB 5078 which we expect to be voted on today, March 2nd, 2023. As a reminder, SB 5078, which if passed would allow frivolous lawsuits to be brought against firearm manufacturers, retailers and virtually anyone else in the supply chain, is up for a vote today, March 2nd, 2023 in the Washington State Senate.
Click Here to Find my Legislators
Read the previous press release on SB 5078 here.
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