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Guns & Tactics is an online media outlet that focuses on the firearms community, not just firearms and gear but also quality training, technical break downs and enlightening presentations.
Stoppages – Tactical Moment #9

Stoppages – Tactical Moment #9

In this Tactical Moment episode John discusses “stoppages.” A stoppage is a momentary cessation of the firearm. When you pull the trigger and hear a click instead of a bang, then you know something is wrong. Applying “immediate action” could be the fastest way to fix the problem and get back in the gunfight. Watch this video to learn how to manage a firearms stoppage by applying the immediate action technique.



Dave meets with Duane Liptak to go over Magpul’s new product announcements from Shot Show 2018. The new Pro Chasis for Remington 700 pattern actions and the Suppressor…