Author: Editor

Guns & Tactics is an online media outlet that focuses on the firearms community, not just firearms and gear but also quality training, technical break downs and enlightening presentations.

Reality… What a concept

[dcs_img_center framed=”no” w=”600″ h=”370″] [/dcs_img_center] [dcs_post_top] [dcs_fancy_header bgcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]Are we truly training to understand the realities of an armed conflict?[/dcs_fancy_header] [dcs_thinspliter size=”medium”] In our modern 21st…

Train to Win! Expect to Win!

[dcs_img_center framed=”no” w=”600″ h=”294″] [/dcs_img_center] [dcs_post_top] [dcs_fancy_header color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]Part III in a series of posts from Khyber’s Wes Doss on the realities of training.[/dcs_fancy_header] [dcs_thinspliter size=”medium”] Those…

Beware of the Self-proclaimed Expert

[dcs_img_center desc=”Photo by Hye Chong Doss, HCD Action Photography” framed=”no” w=”600″ h=”400″] [/dcs_img_center] [dcs_post_top] [dcs_fancy_header bgcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]Investing time, money, and lives in the hands of ill-qualified…

Beware of the Self-Proclaimed Expert: Part II

[dcs_img_center desc=”Wes Doss, LSL US Tour | Photo by Jae Gillentine” framed=”no” w=”600″ h=”400″] [/dcs_img_center] [dcs_post_top] [dcs_fancy_header bgcolor=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]Investing time, money, and lives in the hands…