Author: Jody Lewis

Jody has been involved in firearms one way or the other for the past 20+ years. Jody holds multiple professional certifications including the NRA basic firearm instructor and RO training. When he isn’t teaching or training, he writes and photographs regularly for a number of online and print publications. Jody is an NRA Member as well as a certified S&W M&P Armorer as well as a part-time 3-gun competitor. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

AR Upgrades from JL Billet

In my pursuit to finish a Cross Machine & Tool (CMT) .308 build, I stumbled on JL Billet, a veteran owned and operated manufacturer based in San Diego, CA. They make some pretty killer looking stuff. Looks aside, I am always concerned with durability and quality, so I set out to put it to the test and share my first hand experience.

Real-Life Concealed Carry Encounter

Real-Life Concealed Carry Encounter

The reason we train is because the moment you are forced to draw your weapon, two lives will certainly change forever. Today I drew my weapon on another human being for the first time and I am thankful that I was not forced to end his life. I am writing this shortly after the encounter as a way to process what happened. It may sound raw and unedited and that is fine. The following happened 2014-06-26 at approximately 11:30 AM.