Concealable Stab Vests
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Concealable Stab Vests are popular among the army personnel of the United States. These personnel are involved in performing law enforcement operations which includes the confinement of enemy prisoners of war. The other roles of these personnel are to oversee the civilian internees and provide protection against the homemade weapons and the handguns. These stab vests provides protection from the 9mm, full jacket 124-grain bullet and promises great protection from the crude stab/slash weapons.
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The idea of making these stab vests is to provide a robust protection from the longest range of stabbing threats. There are a few stab vests which fail to provide consistent protection from several ranges of threats. Concealable Stab Vests are made of multiple materials which combine to provide protection from defeat threats with variable hardness, cutting surface and the geometry. These are made of stab resistant materials capable of protecting the wearer against knife, needle threats or spikes.
There are larger dimensions added to a concealable stab vests with solid fiber composite materials being added to preserve the flexibility of the textile and maintain the toughness of the hard plate. This feature supports officers by providing them additional comfort while they perform their duties enabling them to greatest level of protection against puncture and stab threats. Adding to the outstanding stab performance and enhanced comfort levels there is a significant tactical advantage with the recent lightweight and thin profile stab vests. Usually these stab vests weigh around 4.5 kg per meters squared and is around 3.5 mm thick.
The Concealable vests in general are capable of providing stab and knife proof KR2 protection. They get designed in such a way that they follow the contours of the body and provide the front, back and the side KR2 Stab and Knife Proof protection. Defining the features one could say the concealable stab vests have adjustable side closure designs with an approximate area coverage for the large vests as 0.29m2. It has the front to back wrap protection and comes with 6 size adjustment straps. They also feature the removable panels sealed in a water proof PVC bag. The best part is that they have the washable outer covers and is available separately for the females as well.
Moreover the time you decide you need a stab vest you should consider the best fit for your body. The dimensions along with the material these come with are very important so you need to make sure that you get the best concealable vests depending on the threats and body structure you may have. This not only provides you better protection but offers you a greater flexibility to move around.