Meet Ana Moreira, Team Ecuador
Enduring 90-degree heat and delicious adult beverages in the sun, Guns & Tactics braves the dangerous elements of the tropics to bring you yet again, the latest in international shooting sports coverage. This time we’re at the IPSC Ecuador Open in Guayaquil with many of the best shooters from Latin America, North America and beyond.
One of our favorite aspects of working abroad in the shooting industry is the opportunity it creates to interview, film and photograph inspiring women with guns. This day is no different as we introduce you to Ana Moreira of Team Ecuador, international competitive shooter.
Ana shoots in the Open Division with a pimped out STI Grand Master 2011 racegun equipped with an optic sight, compensated barrel and a trigger job just shy of a pound. Loaded with a 26-round magazine, expect Ana to bring her “A” game to any competition she attends.
If you would like to learn more about practical shooting and competitive shooting sports please visit
Already got your game on? Then bring it to Guayaquil next year and discover Ecuador with some of your best friends in Latin America and the shooting world.
Thanks for watching and reading, there’s more coming soon!