Every Day Carry
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[dcs_fancy_header color=”#000000″ fweight=”bold”]Packing in Pink Partners with Blade-Tech Industries to Offer U.S. Made Pink Holsters and Gear[/dcs_fancy_header]
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Toronto, ON – Packing in Pink, a leading female oriented firearms related retailer with products designed by and for women, is proud to announce it will offering a whole line of pink U.S. made holsters and mag pouches.
The new line of pink gear will be manufactured for Packing in Pink by Blade-Tech Industries, the leading U.S. manufacture of custom thermoplastic holsters and tactical goods. All of the new items to be offered are made in the U.S.A by hand. The new pink product array will consist of gear that can be used for day to day concealment or out on the range during competition. All holsters are IDPA & IPSC legal for female shooters.
“Just because I shoot like a man, doesn’t mean I have to look like one.”
Packing in Pink is founded on the philosophy that, “Just because I shoot like a man, doesn’t mean I have to look like one.” This new offering of quality handmade Pink gear is an extension of that philosophy.
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The new line is available now, but will be officially launched at the 2013 Shot Show in Las Vegas. Check out the new gear at www.packinginpink.com or come see them at the Blade-Tech booth (1625) at Shot Show.
Packing in Pink was founded on the philosophy that “just because I shoot like a man doesn’t mean I have to look like one.” We use our passion for the sport and determination to have more women involved to design our product line. PIP products are available online and in select clubs throughout Ontario. We sell earmuffs, range glasses, cable and trigger locks, apparel, target sheets, and more. All in pink, of course. We have an aggressive plan to expand our dealers and our product offerings by spring 2009.
Our products are designed by and for women—and only women. Safety is always priority number one, but unlike other manufacturers, sex appeal and comfort are a very close second. Because of our devotion to women, PIP will make a donation to breast cancer research with every purchase.
In addition to our pink product line, PIP’s website is growing to include online communities, and currently has several promotions to get women involved in shooting, including free e-newsletters, contests, picture and story submissions, and more.
Blade-Tech Industries is the leading manufacturer of custom, production thermoplastic, injection molded tactical holsters, knife sheaths and magazine pouches. Blade Tech also produces its own line of high quality field knives. Our injection molded and Kydex® holsters are the culmination of rigorous field testing by Law Enforcement, Military Personnel and also at Gunsite Academy, one of the world’s premier firearms institutions. Our holsters, pouches and knives are in daily use by members of law enforcement departments, Special Ops, civilians, competition shooters and military agencies worldwide. Blade-Tech also manufactures OEM equipment for 5.11 Tactical, Taser International, Gunsite Academy, Cold Steel, Spyderco, Al Mar, Micro-Tech, Ka-Bar, Camillus, Strider, Buck, Boker, Gatco/Timberline, Ontario, Mission, Chris Reeve and Gerber/Fiskars.
Learn more about Blade-Tech products and services when you visit www.blade-tech.com.
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Guns & Tactics is an online media outlet that focuses on the firearms community, not just firearms and gear but also quality training, technical break downs and enlightening presentations.
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